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What Do Traffic Control Companies Do?

March 11, 2020

 What Do Traffic Control Companies Do?

Traffic companies employ various controllers and systems that keep the order on the roads. Keeping the flow of traffic going, it’s the traffic control companies Sydney that keep efficiency going. All across Australia, from Sydney to NSW and everything in between, you can rest assured that these companies and their controllers are on the job. 

What Does A Traffic Controller Do?

A traffic controller is someone that is tasked with directing the flow of machinery and vehicles on the road and even within work sites when needed. Those that work within this role are tasked with more than you may think. There’s more to this job than simply holding up a stop/slow bat. Just a few of the duties that traffic control companies Sydney give their controllers include: 

• Apply and monitor a road management game
• Set up safety and signage barriers
• Maintaining and cleaning equipment and signs
• Direct the vehicular and pedestrian flow 

Each of these roles is crucial to maintaining the balance and flow of efficient traffic flow. These tasks are more commonly needed within the construction industry. For instance, in order to assist with the diverting of vehicular workflow between work areas, traffic control technicians are called in. This is a necessity for a number of reasons including the safety of everyone on and passing the site. How this is done is through the strategic placement and use of signs, safety barriers and the signature stop/slow bat. 

These controllers are easily recognisable thanks to a strict dress code. The uniform of these guys will include reflective vests, steel-toed boots and hard hats. 

Priority Tasks

There is no doubt that the managing of vehicular flow is the main task on the list of these companies. This doesn’t make it their primary and most important one though, that would be ensuring the safety of workers and road users. A secondary duty would be ensuring the minimising the impact of any project on the traffic system and the flow of the surrounding community. 

If you’re in need of traffic control, NSW Traffic Control is the one to beat. Our experts offer specialised solutions for individual client needs. Contact us today! 

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